Our Curriculum Offer

At Hurworth it is our aim to provide a broad, balanced, and challenging curriculum that ignites students’ love of learning and successfully unlocks the true potential of each individual. We believe that students are empowered by what they know and that, if immersed in a knowledge-rich curriculum, they are more likely to become the best versions of themselves.

All lessons last for one hour.

At Key Stage 3 students study the following subjects:

English, Maths, Science, Spanish, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Music, Art, Computing, Physical Education and PSHCE.

At Key Stage 4 our offer extends to include:

Health and Social, Creative iMedia, DT & Engineering VCert, Enterprise and Marketing, Hospitality & Catering and Dance. 

The information for each subject is categorised as follows:

  • Topics: this is an overview of the topics our students will be covering this half term.
  • Assessment: this explains how students will be assessed on their understanding of this topic.
  • How I can support my child: this gives suggestions of how you can offer your child support, as well as ways students can explore this area in more detail if they wish.
  • Students will be using computers in these lessons.

Curriculum Documents


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicThe Formal Elements of Art: To know, describe and identify the formal elements of art. To improve observational drawing skills through an understanding of the formal elements. Portraiture: To understand the proportions of the face. Develop tonal and observational drawing. Understand how to draw facial features correctly.Under the Sea: A project that develops and deepens knowledge of the formal elements and key observational skills. It also explores and experiments with a variety of different media through a series of short workshops.Close Ups: Become familiar with a range of different medium and application techniques and have an understanding of self-evaluation and refinement to improve work. Continue to develop observational skills and build knowledge on building a GCSE project preparing them for the personal project later in the year.Identity or Natural Form: This is a personal response to their chosen theme; each student will follow their own interests and explore their own ideas.
AssessmentBaseline assessment, homework tasks and classroom assessment to monitor observational drawing skills.Drawing assessment and classroom assessment at the end of the project to monitor observational drawing skills and portraiture knowledge.Drawing assessment, Homework to monitor independent work. Unit assessment at the end of each artist workshop to monitor their understanding of each new skill.Assessment is ongoing throughout GCSE, students will be given regular targets on how to improve their work and presentation. There will be two deadlines for sketchbook progression this half term. Sketchbooks will be assessed holistically using the AQA marking scheme.Assessment is ongoing throughout GCSE, students will be given regular targets on how to improve their work and presentation. There will be two deadlines for sketchbook progression this half term. Sketchbooks will be assessed holistically using the AQA marking scheme. After each deadline individual targets will be set and a discussion on what is required to improve. 

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicThe Formal Elements of Art: To understand how to build up tone using a range of application techniques. To understand the grid technique to assist observational drawing.Portraiture: To be able to use their developing skills and knowledge of facial features to produce a detailed portraiture study using pencil.A more focused study on presentation and compositions wiht students creating work in the style of Duncan Cameron and Amiria Gale.  Close Ups: Introducing the work of other artists to inspire and develp skills. Over this term students will understand the importance of looking at artists and how they inspire personal art development. Chris Gryder will influence clay work and Sarah Graham will assist with colour application and composition.Identity: Students will experiment, refine and design a final outcome linked to the theme Identity. Produce a final piece based on their final design.
AssessmentClassroom assessment to check understanding of process. End of term drawing assessment. Classroom assessment to check understanding of process. End of term drawing assessment. Classroom assessment to check understanding of process. End of term drawing assessment. Ongoing classroom assessment. Ten-hour Identity mock exam and portfolio deadline (Natural Form and Identity projects), the portfolio assessment is worth 60%. Students will have a short period of time to revisit their coursework after the externally set 12-week projectOngoing classroom assessment. Ten-hour Identity mock exam and portfolio deadline (Natural Form and Identity projects), the portfolio assessment is worth 60%. Students will have a short period of time to revisit their coursework after the externally set 12-week project

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicColour in Landscape: An understanding of the colour wheel and colour theory. Students will explore the artist Hundertwasser whilst developing paint application and mixing skills.Exploring Animals. A series of short artist studies that explore the style of individual artists and how they represent animals in art. Julie Rhodes – Tonal and observation and Christal Langan – Ink and resist.Continuing with the theme Under the Sea. Students will produce a 3D piece inspired by the ceramic work of Lisa Stevens. Students will learn about various clay techniques, including coils, slabs, modelling and glazing.Close Ups: To conclude their project ‘Close-Ups’, with a final piece based inspired by their coursework and understanding of their chosen artist.Externally Set Assignment: Develop a 12-week project based on an individual theme selected from the ESA paper.
AssessmentClassroom assessment to check understanding of process. End of term drawing assessment. Ongoing assessment with regular feedback and targets for improvement. On completion of the project Students will be awarded a final mark using the AQA mark scheme.Progress checks through deadlines.

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicColour in Landscape: Showing their understanding of colour theory and the artist Hundertwasser, students will create their own A3 landscape painting.Text in Art:                                        Mel Bochner – Multimedia                  Richard Long – sensory exploration of a journey. Using words to create a piece of art.                                          Barbra Kruger – Conceptual art using photography and Photoshop.Behind the Mask: Explore masks from different cultures through experimentation of mediums and applications. Students will question what a mask is and how they have been used throughout history.Personal Project -Students will start their own project with a starting point of Natural Form or Identity. This priject will be self guided and become the main project for their 60% coursework. Student’s will be supported and introduced to new techniques as their ideas and work develop.Externally Set Assignment: Develop a 12-week project based on an individual theme.
AssessmentClassroom assessment to monitor technical understanding. End of topic assessment of product created.End of topic assessment of that looks holistically at the Text in Art project.Ongoing assessment with regular feedback and targets for improvement. Progress checks through deadlines. Progress checks through deadlines.

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicArt with a difference? Explore line and pattern through landscape and question, what is art?
Students will work on a 3D surface inspired by the work of Cheeming Boey.
Text in Art: A series of workshops that explore different medium and artists that use text in the art.                 
Jasper Johns – acylic paint application.     
Mark Langan – Cardboard relief and knife skills. 
Graffiti – colour theory and colour blending.
Working individually or in pairs  Students will concluding their project by designing and making a cardboard sculptural mask influenced by the work of Dag Weiser and the cultural masks studied at the start of the project. This will be a personal response collating the things that intrest them.Natural Form or Fantastic and Strange: Students main focus will be researching and developing ideas based on the work of of their chosen artists.Completion of their ESA with a 10- hour independent study period.              Revisit coursework: To complete any unfinished work and annotations from the Close ups, Natural Form and Identity project. 
AssessmentWeekly classroom assessment and end of topic assessment.End of topic assessment of that looks holistically at the Text in Art project.Weekly classroom assessment to track progress.Ongoing assessment with regular feedback and targets for improvement. Progress checks through deadlines. All work will be marked on the 17th
 and 18th May to the AQA Art and Design marking structure. 60% – Coursework. 40% – ETA 

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicClay Critters: Experimenting and exploring with clay to create a clay alien  that express emotions and character through colour theory.Text in Art:
Mel Bochner – Multimedia
Richard Long – sensory exploration of a journey. Using words to create a piece of art.
Barbra Kruger – Conceptual art using photography and Photoshop.
Food: A short project on looking at how Still Life has been represented in Pop Art. Students will create an individual piece showcasing popular food including the key features of the Pop Art movement.Natural Form or Identity: Students will continue to explore their chosen theme and develop an independent and personal project exploring different artists, mediums and application techniques. 
AssessmentClassroom assessment to monitor understanding of application and medium. End of topic assessment of product created.End of topic assessment of that looks holistically at the Text in Art project.Classroom assessment to monitor understanding of application and medium. End of topic assessment of product created.Ongoing assessment with regular feedback and targets for improvement. Progress checks through deadlines. 

Exam Specification


How can I support my child?

Encourage your child to draw at home, they can also increase their subject knowledge by watching tutorials on YouTube on the techniques they are learning in lessons. 


Half Term 1

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 1: Business in the real worldUnit 4: Human resources
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge testsRegular low stakes knowledge tests

Half Term 2

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 1: Business in the real worldUnit 5: Marketing
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge tests. End of Unit 1 assessmentRegular low stakes knowledge tests. Paper 1 assessment.

Half Term 3

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 2: Influences on businessFinishing Unit 5: Marketing and starting Unit 6: Finance
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge testsRegular low stakes knowledge tests

Half Term 4

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 2: Influences on business followed by Unit 3: Operations. Finishing Unit 6: Finance and starting revision. 
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge tests and an End of Unit 2 assessment  Ongoing in-class assessments and Mock Papers

Half Term 5

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 3:Operations Revision on all topics 
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge tests. End of Unit 3 assessmentOngoing in-class assessments and Mock Papers

Half Term 6

Year 10Year 11
TopicFinishing Unit 3: Operations and starting Unit 4: Human Resources 
AssessmentRegular low stakes knowledge tests

Exam Specification


How can I support my child?

Testing students at home using digital copy of the GCSE Business textbook on Teams. Discuss current affairs relating to Business.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicDigital LiteracyComputer HardwareComputer NetworksSystems Architecture and Memory and StorageProgramming fundamentals and Creating robust program 
AssessmentMultiple choice on-screen assessment.Multiple choice assessment. Creation of a computer system to meet the requirements of a client brief.Multiple choice assessment. Creation of a computer network diagram to meet the requirements of a client brief.Formative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questions.Formative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questions. 

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicOnline safety Spreadsheets Pre-production documentsMemory and storage and NetworksProgramming fundamentals and Creating robust programs
AssessmentMultiple-choice assessnent. Creation of an online safety booklet to meet the requirements of a client brief.Multiple-choice assessment. Creation of an automated spreadsheet model to meet the requirements of a client brief.Multiple-choice assessment. Creation of a set of pre-production documents to meet the requirements of a client brief.Formative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questionsFormative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questions.

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicDigital IdentitySecurityProgramming using PythonSoftware & SecurityAlgorithms
AssessmentMultiple-choice assessnent. Creation of a set of business documents to meet the requirements of a client brief.Multiple-choice assessment. Creation of a security “how to guide” to meet the requirements of a client brief.Summative assessment based upon the completion of a text adventure game which meets the requirements of a client brief and demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired.Formative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questionsFormative assessment every five lessons to inform intervention. End of unit summative assessments based on past exam questions.

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
(using interactive
flow charts)
Digital GraphicsProgramming using Python1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental
 impacts of digital technology 
Component 1: Computer Systems – knowledge retrieval and practice.
AssessmentMultiple-choice assessment. Creation of a flowchart to control a train level crossing.Multiple-choice assessnent. Creation of a digital graphic (game cover) to meet the requirements of a client brief.Summative assessment based upon the completion of a text adventure game which meets the requirements of a client brief and demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired.Formative assessment every five lessons, summative assessment at end of unit. Formative multiple-choice assessment for every area of component 1.

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicProgramming using Python (foundation): Recognise the syntax to input and output data. Understand the syntax for selection statements and create a series of programs to solve problems.Programming using Python (intermediate): Remember the syntax to input, output and select instructions. Understand the syntax for iteration and create a series of programs to solve problems.Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (IDEA) Bronze. The digital equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh Award which is ran by Buckingham Palace. 2.5 – Programming languages and Integrated Development EnvironmentsRevision
AssessmentMultiple choice assessment based on programming knowledge. Working solutions to small problems every lesson.Multiple choice assessment based on programming knowledge. Working solutions to small problems every lesson.Each badge has assessments-built in. 250 required for bronze award.Formative assessment every five lessons, summative assessment at end of unit.Formative multiple-choice assessment for every area of component 1.

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicDigital Literacy. Programming using Python (intermediate)Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (IDEA) Silver. The digital equivalent of the Duke of Edinburgh Award which is ran by Buckingham Palace. 2.2 – Programming fundamentals
AssessmentDigital Literacy. Summative assessment based upon the completion of a text adventure game which meets the requirements of a client brief and demonstrates the knowledge and skills acquired.Each badge has assessments-built in. All citizen, worker, entrepreneur & gamer badges required to be awarded silver.Formative assessment every five lessons, summative assessment at end of unit.

Exam Specification

OCR (9-1) Computer Science J277

How can I help my child?

  • Encourage students to watch knowledge videos on Microsoft OneNote and read attached key information. This could be used to create a model map to develop understanding. Download the free software “Thonny” to practice programming at home. 
  • Ensuring that notes are created before lessons based on watching video or reading relevant knowledge in revision guide.
Creative iMedia

Half Term 1

Year 10Year 11
TopicR094 – Visual identityR098 Digital Imaging  Non-Examined Assessment (NEA). Digital photography in manual mode. Digital video production
AssessmentNon-Examined Assessment (NEA) will take place October to JanuaryNEA worth 35% of qualification

Half Term 2

Year 10Year 11
TopicVisual identity Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)R098 Digital Imaging Non-Examined Assessment (NEA). Digital photography in manual mode. Digital video production
AssessmentNon-Examined Assessment (NEA) worth 25% of qualificationNEA worth 35% of qualification

Half Term 3

Year 10Year 11
TopicR098 Digital Imaging – PhotographyR093 – Creative iMedia in the media industry knowledge
AssessmentNon-Examined Assessment (NEA) will take place June to DecemberFormative assessment every 5 lessons

Half Term 4

Year 10Year 11
TopicR098 Digital Imaging – videoR093 – Creative iMedia in the media industry knowledge
AssessmentNon-Examined Assessment (NEA) will take place June to DecemberFormative assessment every 5 lessons

Half Term 5

Year 10Year 11
TopicR098 Digital Imaging – Pre-production documentsR093 – Creative iMedia in the media industry knowledge
AssessmentNon-Examined Assessment (NEA) will take place June to DecemberPractice exam paper

Half Term 6

Year 10Year 11
TopicR098 Digital Imaging Non-Examined Assessment (NEA). Digital photography in manual mode. Digital video production
AssessmentNEA worth 35% of qualification

Exam Specification

OCR Level 1 /2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia J834

How can I support my child?

Encourage students to meet deadlines and to complete all homework tasks.

DT – KS3

Students will study DT & Engineering for half the year and Food Technology for half the year

Year 7Year 8Year 9
Topic – DTIsometric Drawing

Rationale: To reinforce pupils’ understanding of the difference between 2D and 3D design. To make pupils aware there is a range of 3D drawing techniques that can be used to present ideas. To introduce pupils to isometric drawing. 
Mini Light 

Rationale: To develop pupils’ understanding of logos and packaging. To develop pupils’ ability to use existing products to inspire design. To develop pupils’ ability to design in 2D and use 2D Design. To develop pupils’ modelling skills. To develop pupils’ ability to evaluate. 

Rationale: To introduce pupils to a number of new materials, tools, equipment and machinery used in the workshop and reinforce their understanding of those used previously. To introduce pupils to different types of wood joint. To develop pupils’ ability to evaluate. 
Topic – DTWall Mirror
Rationale: To introduce pupils to a range of materials, tools, equipment and machinery. To teach pupils how to use existing products to design. To develop pupils’ ability to design in 2D. To teach pupils how to evaluate their work and what they have learnt. 
Night Light

Rationale: To introduce pupils to the basic principles of electricity – current, voltage etc. To develop pupils’ understanding of how developments in electronics can impact everyday life. To introduce pupils to a range of basic components and the soldering process.
Mobile Phone Holder     

Rationale: To introduce pupils to a number of new materials, tools, equipment and machinery used in the workshop and reinforce their understanding of those used previously. To develop pupils’ ability to evaluate their work and what they have learnt. 
Topic – Food TechnologyFood Technology – Food Safety and Hygiene

Rationale: To introduce pupils to good safety and hygiene practice in the food rooms. To teach pupils how to weigh ingredients and use different parts of the cooker safely to prepare and cook dishes. To develop pupils’ ability to work independently and as part of a team. 
Food Technology – Eatwell Guide

Rationale: To introduce pupils to the Eatwell Guide and develop safety and hygiene practice in the food rooms. To develop pupils understanding of different ingredients used to prepare and cook dishes. To develop pupils’ ability to work independently and as part of a team. 
Food Technology

Rationale: To develop pupils’ understanding of the Eatwell Guide. Develop safety and hygiene practice in the food rooms. To develop pupils understanding of different ingredients used to prepare and cook dishes. To develop pupils’ ability to work independently and as part of a team. 


Four key tasks in each area of DT (DT & Engineering/Food) which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

How I can support my child?

Discuss your topics and encourage research into skills and production techniques.

DT & Engineering VCERT

Half Term 1

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicDrawing Techniques. Controller – Part 1 Investigating & Designing.Students undertake their Synoptic Project.Orthographic Drawing and an Introduction to Model Engineering (practical metalwork project/fabrication – stealth fighter plane).Students undertake their Synoptic Project.  
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to draw by hand and using CAD make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. 

Half Term 2

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicController – Part 2 Modelling, People, Culture & Society, Smart materials  and Prototype development.Students undertake their Synoptic Project. Introduction to Model Engineering (practical metalwork project/fabrication – stealth fighter plane).Students undertake their Synoptic Project.  
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. 

Half Term 3

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicUSB – Material categories and properties. Students undertake their Synoptic Project.TechSoft Design (CAD) and Sectional Drawing.Students undertake their Synoptic Project.  
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. 

Half Term 4

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicMulti-Storage Unit: To introduce students to ‘Product Design’. Students undertake their Synoptic Project.  Isometric Drawing by hand and Grand Prix racing car – practical metalwork project (fabrication and turning).Students undertake their Synoptic Project.  
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The Synoptic Project is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. 

Half Term 5

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicTo introduce students to a range of materials, tools, equipment and machinery used in KS4 Design Technology.Revision on all topics – exam prep.Grand Prix racing car – practical metalwork project (fabrication and turning).Revision on all topics – exam prep.
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation.Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation.

Half Term 6

Year 10 VCert DTYear 11 VCert DTYear 10 VCert EngineeringYear 11 VCert Engineering
TopicTo introduce students to the Synoptic Project format.Grand Prix racing car – practical metalwork project (fabrication and turning) and Sketch Up (CAD).
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Key tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

Exam Specification

Year 10/11 VCert DTYear 10/11 VCert Engineering
SpecificationNCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Creative Design and Production | NCFENCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Engineering (1) | NCFE

How can I support my child?

Discuss your child’s homework and help them with any issues that they find. Encourage students to revisit knowledge organisers to help embed skills and knowledge taught in the classroom. Students have been provided with read and watch list and knowledge organisers to aid revision.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicOrigins of Literature – Greek, Roman and modern mythology.Dystopian Literature: including an understanding of a wide selection of dystopian texts including: Noughts and Crosses, 1984, I Am Legend, The Bees and Dr Who in addition to ‘The Hunger Games’.Gothic Literature including the study of a range of Gothic texts including: ‘Castle of Otranto,’ ‘Frankenstein,’ ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ in addition to ‘The Woman in Black’. Various Romantic poems by Blake, Wordsworth and Shelley. J. B. Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’: A whole text study and analysis of ‘An Inspector Calls’. Building on students’ prior knowledge of how writers present character and ideas in literature.  Developing prior knowledge of social and historical significance of context. Building on students’ prior knowledge of how texts present different themes; exploration of the class system in early twentieth century BritainConflict and Unseen Poetry – Literature Paper 2, Section B: Developing an understanding of how poets communicate their feelings and ideas about conflict through the creative use of form, language & structure. questioning: What different forms can conflict take? Why does conflict occur and how can/have views/ideas and approaches to conflict change over time?  Studying and comparing a range of conflict poetry from the Edexcel Poetry Anthology and a range of unseen poems. 
AssessmentOrigins of Literature end of term Writing assessment. Weekly spellings and vocabulary checks.Dystopian Literature end of half term Writing Assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.   Gothic Literature end of half term writing assessment. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.    Verbal feedback/low stakes assessment, live marking, end of assessment GCSE style question on character or theme in the play. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation Verbal feedback/low stakes assessment, live marking, end of assessment GCSE style question on character or theme in the play. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicOrigins of Literature – Greek, Roman and modern mythology.Dystopian Literature: including the whole text study of Suzanne Collins’s ‘The Hunger Games’  Gothic Literature including the whole text study of Susan Hill’s ‘The Woman in Black’Language Paper 1: 19th
Century Fiction & Imaginative Writing: Improving the students’ reading and writing skills to produce personalised and analytical responses to the texts. To read a wide range of texts fluently and with good understanding. Read critically and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing 
Charles Dickens’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ Literature paper 2 section A
AssessmentOrigins of Literature end of term reading assessment. Weekly spellings and vocabulary checks.Dystopian Literature end of half term writing Assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.   Gothic Literature end of half term reading assessment. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.   Verbal feedback/ low stakes assessment. End of assessment GCSE style question on two of the conflict poems Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparationVerbal feedback/ low stakes assessment. End of assessment GCSE style question on two of the conflict poems Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicNon-fiction  – The Art of Rhetoric: An understanding of the power of speech. We will be building on the students’ knowledge of etymology and morphology, harnessing a deeper understanding of the origins and impact of language. Non-fiction Writing – Global Adventures (Travel writing through the ages): Building on the students’ prior knowledge of non-fiction texts – travel writing is another key non-fiction form that students will encounter throughout their learning journey in English. An understanding of how the World is conveyed through the written form from writers such as David Livingstone and Charles Darwin right through to modern day travel writers such as Carol Drinkwater and Bill Bryson. The Black Flamingo – Exploring diverse cultural representation through the novel The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta.  We will explore culture, analyse diversity in society, racial and gender bias, bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We will also examine the controversies sometimes caused through media sources and how best to ensure we read widely on a subject before drawing our own conclusions.Language Paper 2: Modern Non-fiction & Figurative Writing: Improving the students’ reading and writing skills to produce personalised and analytical responses to the texts. To read a wide range of texts fluently and with good understanding. Read critically and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writingRevision of Edexcel Language Papers 1 & 2. Key reading and Writing skills. Revision of AO” (Analytical interpretations of the texts and AO4 Evaluative skills.
AssessmentWriting assessment on a set non-fiction text. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.Non-fiction Reading- Global Adventures (Travel writing through the ages) end of half term Reading assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.    Writing assessment linked to the novel. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.Verbal feedback/ low stakes assessment. End of assessment GCSE style question on two of the conflict poems Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparationVerbal feedback/ low stakes assessment. End of assessment GCSE style question on two of the conflict poems Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicNon-fiction  – The Art of Rhetoric: An understanding of the power of speech.  In preparation for KS4 and beyond – students will develop an appreciation of the language and structural devices utilised to produce a range of inspirational non-fiction texts. Development of writing and grammar skills with opportunities to challenge and improve their writing styles and techniques will also be a key learning outcome.Non-fiction Writing – Global Adventures (Travel writing through the ages): Building on the students’ prior knowledge of non-fiction texts – travel writing is another key non-fiction form that students will encounter throughout their learning journey in English. An understanding of how the World is conveyed through the written form from writers such as David Livingstone and Charles Darwin right through to modern day travel writers such as Carol Drinkwater and Bill Bryson. The Black Flamingo – Reading Focus . Aims and Learning Outcomes:
Students will discover how diversity influences society as a whole, as well as individual lives. They will explore language and structural techniques are deliberately used to present ideas, groups, feelings or people in a certain light. 
Literature Paper 1: William Shakespeare’s Macbeth: A whole text study and analysis of William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. Building on students’ prior knowledge of how writers present character and ideas in texts – students will develop their own personalised responses and interpretations of the text. Developing prior knowledge of social and historical significance of context. Revision of all Edexcel Literature Texts: ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Macbeth’ and the ‘Anthology Poetry’. Revision of key skills for Edexcel Language Paper 1 and 2. 
AssessmentReading assessment on a set non-fiction text. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.Non-fiction Writing – Global Adventures (Travel writing through the ages) end of half term Reading assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.    Reading assessment on a set extract of the novel. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.A range of low stakes assessments: understanding key texts, language and structural analysis skills, retrieval of key quotations and understanding of character, plot and key themes. Summative assessment: Literature Paper 2 sample papers. Verbal feedback/ low stakes assessment. End of assessment GCSE style questions and mini mocks. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation.

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWilliam Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: An understanding of the context and language of William Shakespeare’s’ Romeo and Juliet will be developed through a range of reading and drama lessons. William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’: An understanding of the context and language of William Shakespeare’s’ ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ will be developed through a range of reading and drama lessons. Students will develop their reading skills including how to deconstruct, analyse and write critically about playscripts, using a wide range of apt evidence.William Shakespeare’s ‘Shakespeare’s Villains’: An understanding of the context and language of William Shakespeare’s villains in a range of Shakespearian texts will be developed through a range of reading and drama lessons. Students will develop their reading skills including how to deconstruct, analyse and write critically about playscripts, using a wide range of apt evidence. ILiterature Paper 1: William Shakespeare’s Macbeth: A whole text study and analysis of William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. Building on students’ prior knowledge of how writers present character and ideas in texts – students will develop their own personalised responses and interpretations of the text. Developing prior knowledge of social and historical significance of context. Revision of all Edexcel Literature Texts: ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Macbeth’ and the ‘Anthology Poetry’. Revision of key skills for Edexcel Language Paper 1 and 2. 
AssessmentReading assessment on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ end of half term Reading assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.    Shakespeare’s Villains’ – Writing assessment – that focuses on vocabulary, comprehension and language and structural analysis of an extract from Macbeth. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.  A range of low stakes assessments: understanding key texts, language and structural analysis skills, retrieval of key quotations and understanding of character, plot and key themes. Summative assessment: Literature Paper 2 sample papers. A range of low stakes assessments: understanding key texts, language and structural analysis skills, retrieval of key quotations and understanding of character, plot and key themes. Summative assessment: Literature Paper 2 sample papers. 

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWilliam Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: Students will develop their reading skills including how to deconstruct, analyse and write critically about playscripts, using a wide range of apt evidenceWilliam Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’:  In preparation for KS4 and beyond – students will develop an appreciation of character, themes and motifs. Development of writing and grammar skills with opportunities to challenge and improve their writing styles and techniques will also be a key learning outcome. William Shakespeare’s ‘Shakespeare’s Villains’: students will develop an appreciation of character, themes and motifs. Development of writing and grammar skills with opportunities to challenge and improve their writing styles and techniques will also be a key learning outcome. “Literature Paper 1: Poetry: A study and analysis of the Edexcel Anthology Poetry: Conflict section and a range of Unseen poems. Building on students’ prior knowledge of how writers present themes, character and ideas in texts – students will develop their own personalised responses and interpretations of the text. Developing prior knowledge of social and historical significance of context of the set poems.”
AssessmentWriting assessment on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ end of half term Writing assessment. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks.    Shakespeare’s Villains’ – Reading assessment – that focuses on vocabulary, comprehension and language and structural analysis of an extract from Macbeth. Fortnightly writing challenges. Weekly spelling and vocabulary checks. A range of low stakes assessments: understanding key texts, language and structural analysis skills, retrieval of key quotations and understanding of character, plot and key themes. Summative assessment: Literature Paper 2 sample papers. 

Exam Specification

Edexcel GCSE English Literature

How I can support my child?

Utilise the English Knowledge Organisers to support understanding of key vocabulary, themes and key knowledge. At KS3: Support with reading: Student’s library book and via ReadingPlus. At KS4: reading and researching a range of Literature texts that help support work on: Macbeth, An Inspector Calls and A Christmas Carol.

Health and Social

Half Term 1

Year 10Year 11
TopicPrinciples of care in health & social care settingsSupporting individuals through life events
AssessmentEnd of topic tests and verbal feedback/low stakes assessmentVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA

Half Term 2

Year 10Year 11
TopicPrinciples of care in health & social care settingsSupporting individuals through life events & Principles of care in health & social care settings
AssessmentVerbal feedback, live marking and practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge and improve exam techniqueVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA, practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge and improve exam technique in readiness for Mock examinations

Half Term 3

Year 10Year 11
TopicPrinciples of care in health & social care settingsCreative Activities & Principles of care in health & social care settings
AssessmentVerbal feedback, live marking  and practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparationVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA, practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge and improve exam technique in readiness for Mock examinations

Half Term 4

Year 10Year 11
TopicSupporting individuals through life events Creative Activities
AssessmentVerbal feedback and live marking of research in preparation for NEAVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA

Half Term 5

Year 10Year 11
TopicSupporting individuals through life events Creative Activities
AssessmentVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEAVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA

Half Term 6

Year 10Year 11
TopicSupporting individuals through life events 
AssessmentVerbal feedback and live marking of research and written NEA

Exam Specification


How I can support my child?

Encouraging students to complete retrieval tasks, testing key vocabulary and  key knowledge, reading newspaper articles related to health and social care settings which cover how service users are looked after, watching service-based documentaries (e.g. Ambulance, 24 hours in A & E, Hospital, Childrens’ Ward) and watching documentaries regarding life changing events e.g. The Billy Monger Story, Matt Willis Story, Katie Piper Story

Enterprise and Marketing

Half Term 1

Year 10Year 11
TopicMarket ResearchPlanning & completing a pitch
AssessmentCoursework (R068)Coursework (R069)

Half Term 2

Year 10Year 11
TopicProduct design & Product developmentReflection on pitch/business proposal
AssessmentCoursework (R068)Coursework (R069)

Half Term 3

Year 10Year 11
TopicBusiness FinanceEntrepreneurs, Market Research, Business Finance
AssessmentCoursework (R068)End of topic assessments (R067)

Half Term 4

Year 10Year 11
TopicFactors influencing the success of new productsThe marketing mix, Forms of ownership, Sources of capital
AssessmentCoursework (R068)End of topic assessments (R067) & Mock exam

Half Term 5

Year 10Year 11
TopicBranding & PromotionRevision on all topics
AssessmentCoursework (R069)Past papers

Half Term 6

Year 10Year 11
TopicPromotional campaigns
AssessmentCoursework (R069)

Exam Specification

OCR Level 1 /2 Cambridge National in Enterprise & Marketing J837

How I can support my child?

Supporting coursework tasks at home. Testing students using revision guide (provided). Discuss current affairs relating to Business.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicGeographical SkillsEcosystemsDevelopment: Students will investigate the challenge that population growth places on development globally and explore the global imbalance of wealth (development gap).Challenge of Natural HazardsGeographical Applications and Fieldwork/Living World.
AssessmentBaseline assessment following introductory lessons. Spelling Test on key words. Inspire research tasks.Mid-point assessment to focus on substantive knowledge – key vocabulary, models, naming features and completing diagrams and key spellings.  Mid-point assessment to focus on substantive knowledge – key vocabulary, models, naming features and completing diagrams. Spelling test on key words set for homework.Year 10 assessment week. Seneca ILT quizzes, end of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessmentYear 11 assessment week. Seneca ILT quizzes, end of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessment

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicGeographical SkillsEcosystemsDevelopment Hazards and Economic WorldLiving World and Resources
AssessmentBaseline assessment after introductory lessons, Spelling test on key words set for homework and End of unit assessmentBaseline assessment after introductory lessons, Spelling test on key words set for homework and End of unit assessmentBaseline assessment after introductory lessons, Spelling test on key words set for homework and End of unit assessmentSeneca homework quizzes, End of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessmentYear 11 assessment week. Seneca homework quizzes, end of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessment

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWeather – extreme weather events and climate change: Students will be looking at a range of extreme weather focussing upon tropical storms but also extreme heat.Global Issues – Geopolitics and Globalisation: Students will be exploring a range of issues occurring globally and for each will be assessing the impacts and evaluating the responses/impact of them across the different countries.Hazards (Extreme Weather, Storm Desmond, Climate Change): explore the impacts of other hazards caused by extreme weather. They will assess the causes and impacts of Storm Desmond in the U.K. along with evaluating the success of the responses to this event.Changing Economic WorldUk Physical Landscapes – Coastal landscapes in the UK
AssessmentEnd of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks. Seneca homework.Seneca ILT quizzes, End of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessment

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWeather – Students will be assessing the impacts of these events on different locations and comparing the impacts and evaluating responses. Students will be looking at the natural and human causes of Climate Change and how this is impacting the world.Global Issues – Geopolitics and Globalisation: Students will be exploring a range of issues occurring globally and for each will be assessing the impacts and evaluating the responses/impact of them across the different countries.Hazards (Extreme Weather, Storm Desmond, Climate Change): explore the impacts of other hazards caused by extreme weather. They will assess the causes and impacts of Storm Desmond in the U.K. along with evaluating the success of the responses to this event. Students will also explore Climate Change as a hazard and how it impacts certain countries.U.K. Physical Landscape & River Landscapes in the U.K. Contributes a critical thinking and problem-solving element to the assessment structure. The assessment will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate geographical skills and applied knowledge and understanding by looking at a particular issue(s) derived from the specification using secondary sources.
AssessmentEnd of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks. Seneca homework.End of unit assessment (Changing economic world) Seneca ILT quizzes, end of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessment

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicU.K: Students will be exploring and describing the distribution of both the physical and human landscapes of the U.K. along with explaining the links the U.K. has to the wider world. Students will also be researching the Northeast region. Geomorphology: Students will be learning to explain how a river changes from source to mouth, including defining erosion, transportation and deposition processes and explaining where these occur along a rivers course along with the explanation of landforms created due to these processes. Students will be assessing the reasons for flooding across a rivers course.Urban issues and Challenges: Students will take a look into the impact human settlement is having on the planet. As the population grows towards 10 billion people we look into how this impact the cities and landscape around us. Students will look at two contrasting locations one in HIC and one in an LIC/NEE. Geographical Applications and FieldworkGeographical Applications (pre-release material)
AssessmentEnd of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of topic assessment, formative assessment and refection tasks.End of unit assessment (Geographical Applications)Seneca ILT quizzes. End of topic walk through assessment followed by End of topic formal assessment

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicU.K: Students will continue to explore the U.K. focussing upon the differing employment in the U.K. and describing and evaluating the distribution of this. Students will also be assessing the impact that tourism, crime and Government has upon different areas within the U.K.GeomorphologyUrban issues and Challenges: Students will take a look into the impact human settlement is having on the planet. As the population grows towards 10 billion people we look into how this impact the cities and landscape around us. Students will look at two contrasting locations one in HIC and one in an LIC/NEE. Geographical Applications and Fieldwork
AssessmentExtended writing piece in exercise booksExtended writing piece in exercise booksPeople of the Planet assessment in class.End of unit assessment (Geographical Applications)

Exam Specification


How I can support my child?

  • Encourage students to access the read and watch lists. Encourage students to complete the optional additional challenge homework.  Ask students to explain which plants and animals have adapted to different ecosystems.
  • Ensure students are signed into Seneca. Ensure students are following the department Instagram for all the additional subject reading/sign posting/reminders about deadlines!  

Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWhat is History? A historical skills unit. How did Tudor rule affect people’s lives? Reformation to Spanish Armada. The causes of World War One, plus experiences of soldier’s during World War One. Conflict and Tension 1918-1939 – Was the League of Nations bound to fail?Health and the People 1000 – present day (Industrial and modern)
AssessmentBaseline assessment including: interpretations of evidence, knowledge quiz and Skeletons historical enquiry.Knowledge quizExtended writing -reaching a judgement question – The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the main cause of World War I. How far do you agree with this statement?, plus knowledge quizHomework tasks – Paper 1 style questions on the Treaty of Versailles, plus a Paper 1 style end of unit assessment on the League of Nations. Questions: How do you know? How useful? Write an account/Explain, How far?, plus various knowledge quizzesPaper 2 exam paper end of unit on health and people. Questions: How useful? Significance, Compare and Factors – How far?  Also, revision tasks on conflict and tension unit and exam paper to complete                    

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicThe impact that the Roman invasion had on Britain and the Northeast of England.When and why did kings lose control? English Civil War and the rule of Oliver CromwellHow were people’s lives affected by World War One? DORA and the home front during World War OneConflict and Tension 1918-1939 – What were the causes of World War Two?Complete above and then Paper 2 The Normans 1066-1100
AssessmentThe Roman army assessment. Training and skills were the most important factor in the Roman armies success? How far do you agree? Extended writing task, plus knowledge quizExtended writing – Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain? Interpretations task, plus knowledge quizWhich factor affected people’s lives at home in Britain during World War One the most?, plus knowledge quizPaper 1 style end of unit assessment on the causes of World War Two. Questions: How do you know? How useful? Write an account/Explain, How far?, plus various knowledge quizzesPaper 2 exam style questions on the Normans. Questions: Convincing, write an account/explain, explain importance.

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicThe events of 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?A time of change? Life in Early Modern England from the Restoration to the Great Fire of LondonThe Inter-War period – What challenges faced Britain and the world after World War One?Germany 1890-1945 part one – Germany up to the Wall Street Crash.As half term 3, plus the Normans Historic Environment (which changes annually)
AssessmentExtended writing – Write an account of the reasons why TWO of the contenders to the throne should be king in 1066. Compare the Anglo-Saxon and Norman armies. In what ways are they different? William won the Battle of Hastings because of his excellent leadership skills. How far do you agree this statement? Plus – knowledge quizWritten task – Explain the ways in which the Great Fire of London 1666 affected the lives of London citizens, plus knowledge quizPresentation – If Hitler was an evil dictator, why did people support him?, plus knowledge quizPaper 1 style end of unit assessment on the causes of World War Two. Questions: How do you know? How useful? Write an account/Explain, How far?, plus various knowledge quizzesMock examinations, plus  completion of GCSE course

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicAll change? Life in the Middle Ages after the Norman Conquest up to 1381How did Britain become the workshop of the world? The Industrial RevolutionThe challenge of tyranny How and why did the  Holocaust happen? Germany 1890-1945 part one – Germany up to the Wall Street Crash.Revision
AssessmentExtended writing – Were the Middle Ages so bad? (Interpretations assessment), plus knowledge quizWritten report – An investigation into coal mining in 1842, plus knowledge quizExtended writing – Describe conditions in Jewish ghettos. Write an account of Jewish persecution from 1933-39. Which of the following was the most important turning point in the Nazi persecution of the Jews and minority groups in the period 1939-1945:
The role of the Einsatzgruppen  or
The Final Solution?, plus knowledge quiz
Paper 1 exam style assessment questions on Germany up to 1929. Questions: Interpretations – how different? why different, convincing, Describe, Explain and signifance.Revision

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicWho won the struggle for power in the medieval period? Power during the Middle Ages, plus a local study of Durham CathedralShould we feel guilty or proud of the British Empire? Empire to slaveryConflict and Tension 1918-39 – How sensible was the Treaty of Versailles? Germany 1890-1945 part two and three – Germany from 1929 to 1945Revision and examinations
AssessmentPresentation on Durham Cathedral, plus knowledge quizSource analysis useful question –  How useful is the film Amistad to a historian studying the treatment and capture of slaves?, plus knowledge quizSource analysis tasks, plus knowledge quizPaper 1 end of unit assessment questions on Germany. Questions: Interpretations – how different? why different, convincing, Describe, Explain and signifance.Revisions and examinations

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicContinued – Who won the struggle for power in the medieval period? Power during the Middle Ages, plus a local study of Durham CathedralHow did women won the struggle for the vote? Women’s suffrageContinued focus on – Conflict and Tension 1918-39 – How sensible was the Treaty of Versailles? Health and the People 1000 – present day (Middle Ages and RenaissanceExaminations
AssessmentPresentation on Durham Cathedral, plus knowledge quizExtended writing – Compare the methods of the Suffragists and the Suffragettes. In what ways are they different? Women failed to win the vote because of their violent tactics and methods. How far do you agree with this statement?, plus knowledge quizSource analysis tasks, plus knowledge quizPaper 2 exam style questions on health and people. Questions: How useful? Signifance, Compare and Factors – How far?Examinations

How I can support my child?

Use the knowledge organiser to quiz key knowledge including spellings. Encourage the use of the ‘Read and Watch’ list.  Encourage wider reading and independent research. Check and test key word spellings and definition.

Hospitality and Catering

Half Term 1

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 1 LO1 – Understanding the Environment in which Hospitality and Catering Providers Operate. 
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Key tasks which assess students’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

Half Term 2

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 1 LO2 – Understand How H&C Providers Operate and Unit 1 LO4 – Know How Food Can Cause Ill Health.
AssessmentKey tasks which assess students’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Key tasks which assess students’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

Half Term 3

Year 10Year 11
TopicUnderstand how the kitchen and the front of house operates in a hospitality provider. Understand how hospitality providers met the need of different clients.Students complete their mock Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) and prepare the menu for the actual Assessment.
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Key tasks which assess students’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

Half Term 4

Year 10Year 11
TopicAnalyse Job requirements in the hospitality industry. Describe different working conditions in different job roles and explain different factors that effect the success of establishments in the industry.Students undertake their Non-Examined Assessment (NEA).
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. The NEA is the method of assessment for the practical side of the course and makes up 60% of the student’s final mark. 

Half Term 5

Year 10Year 11
TopicRevision on all topics – exam prep.
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. Practice exam questions will be used to test and refine knowledge, exam technique and exam preparation.

Half Term 6

Year 10Year 11
AssessmentKey tasks which assess pupils’ ability to design make and evaluate, in addition to their technical understanding of the topics covered. 

Exam Specification

Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering (wjec.co.uk)

How I can support my child?

Discuss your child’s homework and help them with any issues that they find. Encourage students to revisit knowledge organisers to help embed skills and knowledge taught in the classroom. Students have been provided with read and watch list and knowledge organisers to aid revision.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicTransition activities. Presenting and interpreting data.Angles and Algebraic graphs.Fractions and Decimals.Angles & Circle Theorems and  Ratio & Proportion.Quadratic Equations.
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. 

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicAlgebraic expressions and Fractions.Transformations and Pythagoras.Algebraic expressions and Construction.Probability, Formula & sequences and Surds (H)Trigonometry and revision for Mock Exams. 
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. 

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicSequences and Decimals.Construction and InequalitiesPercentages and Presenting Data.Pythagoras, Trig (H) and Presenting dataSimultaneous Equations and Vectors.
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. 

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
Topic2D Shapes3D Shapes and Ratio & Proportion.2D Shapes3D ShapesTransformations of graphs (H only). Revision for final exams including past paper practice.
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. 

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicEquations and Percentages.Indices & standard formEquations and Number. 3D Shapes and Algebraic graphsRevision for final exams including past paper practice
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Sparx homework will continue to be due each Wednesday and will be revision.

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicProbability and Enrichment Activities.Measures and Functional Skills (1). Transformations and Functional Skills (2)Inequalities and Similar Shapes (H)
AssessmentHalf term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. Half term assessment containing everything covered in the year so far. Sparx homework which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year. End of unit assessments and Sparx homework, which is due every Wednesday will cover everything from lessons and give students opportunities for retrieval from earlier in the year.

GCSE Specification

Edexcel (9-1) Mathematics 1MA1 F/H

How can I support my child?

Encourage and support your child to complete their homework tasks to the best of their ability; this may involve watching help videos, making notes and having multiple attempts at a question.

KS4 Revision Materials

Maths Genie • Learn GCSE Maths for Free


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicBaseline Unit –
‘Getting to know you’
unit to assess the students’ current knowledge of music, aural awareness and basic composition and performance skills. 
‘Musical ABCs’
– learning how to read music from staff notation and perform music on the keyboards.
‘Film Music’
– Developing the ability to use the elements of music to describe a piece of music and be able to discuss the impact that this has on the film. Learning the techniques used by film composers to create different effects and moods.
‘Introduction to GCSE Music’: Learning the basics of composition: notation, chord sequences, melody writing, adding harmony. Familiarisation with Sibelius software and how to use it. Begin work on composition 1 – controlled assessment.Composition work to continue, Performance work to continue and Listening and Appraising: Consolidation of knowledge of keywords and study pieces
Assessment3 classroom assessments: Current knowledge/aural awareness/Composition and Performance.Ongoing individual teacher assessments will take place throughout the lessons to ensure students are making progress throughout the different steps. Listening assessments throughout the unit – identifying instruments, identifying musical features used, ability to describe the elements and the effect this has on the mood.COMPOSITION: Students will complete a task sheet with a series of exercises to build up relevant composition skills and to familiarise themselves with Sibelius software. PERFORMANCE: Students will be required to do one musical performance throughout the first half term to show their current standard and ability.PERFORMANCE: Students will be required to do one musical performance of their choice throughout the first half term. LISTENING: Monitoring knowledge and understanding of keywords and study pieces 

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicUnit 2 – ‘Animal Crackers’
– Instruments, Elements and Ensembles
‘Musical ABCs’
(continued from Half Term 1)
Film Music
(continued from Half Term 1)
Composition work, Listening work – keywords, Listening work – Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto and Little Shop of Horrors and Performance workComposition work. Listening revision – keywords and Little Shop of Horrors study pieces 
AssessmentVerbal feedback in class to check understanding and address and misconceptions. Written test on the elements of music.Students are required to perform a piece of music which has various stages of difficulty. This will be monitored throughout the lesson and verbal feedback will be offered.  Verbal feedback in class to check understanding and address and misconceptions. Aural awareness – listening quizzes/tests. Performance skills (keyboard)Past listening paper and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance workPast listening papers and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance work.

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicAnimal Crackers’
– Instruments, Elements and Ensembles
‘Musical ABCs’
(continued from Half Term 1). Focus will be trying to use 2 hands together and progressing from this to improvisation.
Film Music
(continued). Focus will be identifying the effects of the various elements on a piece of music.
Composition work (composition 1 to be started), Listening work – keywords, Listening work – Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto and Little Shop of Horrors and Performance workComposition work – finishing composition 1 and focussing on composition 2, Listening work – keywords, Listening work – Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto and Little Shop of Horrors and Performance work (to be completed by start of March 2024).
AssessmentVerbal feedback in class to check understanding and address and misconceptions. Written test on the elements of music and listening work.Ongoing individual teacher assessments will take place throughout the lessons to ensure students are making progress throughout the different steps. Verbal feedback in class to check understanding and address and misconceptions. Aural awareness – listening quizzes/tests. Performance skills (keyboard) based on various leitmotifs from various films.2022 listening paper to be completed in 3 stages to cover the keywords and the study pieces. Performances will be heard to ensure progress is being made. 1:1 feedback and support with composition work.2023 listening paper to be completed as aprt of the mock GCSE exams. Performances will be heard to ensure progress is being made ready for recording in March 2024. 1:1 feedback and support with composition work.

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicAnimal Crackers’ Then ‘Feel the Beat’
: Knowledge of the  instruments of the orchestra and voice types. Elements of Music – timbre, tempo, dynamics, pitch, duration and texture. In Feel the Beat, students will gain knowledge on how to read simple rhythms using staff notation. Create a rhythm performance in groups which will be enhanced using the elements of music. 
Musical ABCs and Stomp: Understanding and knowledge of how to read music and use this to perform on the keyboards. Understanding of rhythm and how to use this (combined with the elements of music) to create a performance.Film Music
 (continued). Group composition ‘It’s behind you’ – students to create a piece of horror film music using set techniques.
Composition techniques and Listening skills Composition work;  listening and appraising; performance: Students will be recording both of their performance pieces for their final exam. Composition 2 will be completed ready for final marking.
Keywords and knowledge of each of the study pieces will be covered.
AssessmentKeyword understanding and listening assessmentsUnderstanding and knowledge of how to read music and use this to perform on the keyboards. Understanding of rhythm and how to use this (combined with the elements of music) to create a performance.Group performance of the composition Past listening paper and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance work.Past listening papers and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance work.

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicFeel the Beat’ Whole-class rhythm work. Writing rhythms to fit with words.STOMP: Understanding and knowledge of rhythm and how to use this (combined with the elements of music) to create a performance in the style of STOMP.African Music: Students will gain the knowledge of the main features of African music. They will be able to work together in groups to create both melodic and percussive compositions to reflect the different stylistic featuresComposition skills and Listening skills Final completion of performing/composing coursework; Listening work
AssessmentWhole-class performance of rhythms; knowledge of rhythm writingOpportunity to go to any live performance or encouragement to listen to a wide variety of musical styles. Listening tasks and group performances.Past listening paper and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance work.Past listening papers and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas.

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicFeel the Beat (performance work)STOMP: Continued understanding and knowledge of rhythm and how to use this (combined with the elements of music) to create a performance in the style of STOMP.African Music: Students will gain the knowledge of the main features of African music. They will be able to work together in groups to create both percussive and melodic compositions using the Djembe drums and keyboards to reflect the different stylistic features.Composition skills (how to develop the music and how to add a contrasting section); Listening skills 
Group work rhythm performance: combining layers of rhythms whilst considering structure. Use of the elements of music to enhance the performance.
Group STOMP performance – layering of rhythms linked to a STOMP theme. Use of the elements of music to enhance.Group African Performance Past listening paper and exam style questions will be used to learn exam techniques and monitor knowledge. These will be revisited to clear up any misconceptions and problem areas. Verbal feedback will be given to students on a 1:1 basis for both composition and performance work.

Exam Specification

AQA (9-1) Music 8271

How can I support my child?

Listening to a variety of live or recorded pieces of music to watch how players perform and how mood is created. Participation in any live music even (choir/orchestra)Use the knowledge organiser to quiz key knowledge. Read and watch list and online music lessons.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sports Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicFootball: Develop basic skills of passing and receiving, dribbling, turning shooting and heading to participate in small sided games. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.Football: Broaden and develop the range of skills used in a competitive match and know how and when to use attacking and defensive tactics effectively.Football: Embed basic skills and techniques with an emphasis on developing attacking and defensive principles when in and out of possession, including set plays and formations.Health, Fitness & Well-Being:
Students should develop knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and well-being and their effect on performance in physical activity and sport.
: Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport.
 ALSR186 Sport and the Media: Topic Area 1:The different sources of media that cover sport.
TopicHandball: Develop basic skills of passing, dribbling and shooting, to participate in small-sided games. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.Handball: Broaden and develop the range of skills used in a competitive match, know how and when to apply attacking and defensive tactics effectively.Handball: Embed basic skills and techniques with an emphasis on developing developing attacking and defensive principles when in and out of possession, including set plays and formations.Physical Training Part 1:
Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of training and different training methods in order to plan, carry out, monitor and evaluate personal exercise and training programmes.
: Socio-Cultural Influences: Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the socio-cultural factors that impact on physical activity and sport, and the impact of sport on society.
ALSOCR set assignment briefs
TopicALS – NetballALS – NetballALS – Netball
AssessmentGameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Non-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletNon-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletALSOCR set assignment briefs 

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sport Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicTable Tennis: Develop basic skills of grip, ready position, backhand push, forehand push and the serve in order to hold a rally. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.

Endurance Running: Undergo a range of fitness tests to establish strengths and weaknesses. Participate in a range of training methods e.g. Continuous, Interval and Fartlek to understand how to improve certain components of fitness. 

ALS – Trampoline
Table Tennis: Broaden the range of shots used in a competitive match by developing the forehand and backhand drive shots. know how and when to use a variety of serves effectively. Gain an understanding of doubles rules and scoring systems.

Endurance Running: Undergo a range of fitness tests to establish strengths and weaknesses. Participate in a range of training methods e.g. Continuous, Interval and Fartlek to understand how to improve certain components of fitness. 

ALS – Trampoline
Table Tennis: Embed basic skills and shots with an emphasis on developing technique by introducing spin on shots. Develop the lob and smash advanced shots.

Endurance Running: Undergo a range of fitness tests to establish strengths and weaknesses. Participate in a range of training methods e.g. Continuous, Interval and Fartlek to understand how to improve certain components of fitness. 

ALS – Trampoline     
Physical Training Part 2:
Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of training and different training methods in order to plan, carry out, monitor and evaluate personal exercise and training programmes.
OCR set assignment briefs ALSR186 Sport and the Media: Topic Area 2: Positive effects of the media in sport and Topic Area 3: Negative effects of the media in sport
AssessmentTable Tennis Game Play – Top Table Format, application of shots taught in a competitive rally, first to 11 points wins and moves up the ladder.    

Scores achieved in fitness tests, quality and intensity of work rate whilst completing training exercises. 
Table Tennis Game Play – Top Table Format, application of shots taught in a competitive rally, first to 11 points wins and moves up the ladder.       

Scores achieved in fitness tests, quality and intensity of work rate whilst completing training exercises.
Table Tennis Game Play – Top Table Format, application of shots taught in a competitive rally, first to 11 points wins and moves up the ladder.       

Scores achieved in fitness tests, quality and intensity of work rate whilst completing training exercises. 
Non-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletR185: Performance and Leadership. Develop skills as a performer in two different sporting activities. You will also learn how to lead sporting activity sessions. Also, you will analyse your own performance to help improve your own skills in sport.ALSOCR set assignment briefs 

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sport Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicHRF – Engage in a diverse range of health-related fitness (HRF) activities, including cardiovascular exercises, resistance training, stretching routines, and various methods, emphasizing coordination and teamwork to foster lifelong habits for a healthy and active lifestyle.

Dodgeball: Develop basic skills of catching, throwing and dodgeing, to participate in small-sided games. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.

ALS – Dance
HRF – Engage in a diverse range of health-related fitness (HRF) activities, including cardiovascular exercises, resistance training, stretching routines, and various methods, emphasizing coordination and teamwork to foster lifelong habits for a healthy and active lifestyle.

Dodgeball: Broaden and develop the range of skills used in a competitive match, know how and when to apply varying  tactics effectively.

ALS – Dance
HRF – Engage in a diverse range of health-related fitness (HRF) activities, including cardiovascular exercises, resistance training, stretching routines, and various methods, emphasizing coordination and teamwork to foster lifelong habits for a healthy and active lifestyle.

Dodgeball: Embed basic skills and techniques with an emphasis on developing developing attacking and defensive principles, including set plays and formations.

ALS – Dance
Sports Psychology:
Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the key psychological factors and how they impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport.
Moderation PrepALSR184 Contemporary issues in sport: Topic Area 1: Issues which affect participation in sport and Topic Area 2: The role of sport in promoting values
AssessmentQuality and intensity of exercise, increasing heart rate to approprite training zone.

Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.
Quality and intensity of exercise, increasing heart rate to appropriate training zone.

Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.
Quality and intensity of exercise, increasing heart rate to appropriate training zone.

Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.
Non-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletPractical ModerationALSEnd of topic area assessment

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sport Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicFutsal: Incorporate basic skills from Football Learning Journey, encouraging using the sole of the foot when receiving the ball. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.

Rugby: Develop basic skills of passing, tackling, ball carrying and rucking, to participate in small-sided games. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.

Volleyball: Develop basic skills of the volley / set, dig, spike and underarm serve, to participate in a small-sided game. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.
Futsal: Incorporate range of skills from Football Learning Journey, develop attacking and defensive tactics.

Rugby: Broaden and develop the range of skills used in a competitive match to include kicking, scrummaging and mauling and know how and when to use attacking and defensive tactics effectively.

Volleyball: Further develop the dig, spike and serve to allow students to compete in a more demanding environment. To develop the block shot.
Futsal: Embed skills and techniques from Football Learning Journey, experimenting with different formation.

Rugby: Embed basic skills and techniques with an emphasis on developing developing attacking and defensive principles when in and out of possession, including set plays and formations.

Volleyball: Embed basic skills and shots with an emphasis on developing defensive and attacking tactics with full rotations so students have a greater range of strategies to outwit their opponents.
Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the key socio-cultural factors and how they impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport.
RevisionALSR184 Contemporary issues in sport: Topic Area 3: The implicatiopns of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country and Topic Area 4: The role  NGBs play in the development of their sport
AssessmentGameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Non-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletExam QuestionsALSEnd of topic area assessment

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sport Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicBasketball: Develop basic skills of passing, dribbling and shooting, including the lay-up, to participate in small-sided games. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of the game.

Athletics: Develop basic skills in a variety of runs, throws and jumps, to participate in mini competitions. Follow all safety guidelines and understand basic rules when competing in athletics.
Basketball: ALE

Athletics: Broaden the range of skills and techniques executed in a variety of runs, throws, and jumps, to participate in mini competitions. Follow all safety guidelines and understand basic rules when competing in athletics.
Basketball: ALE

Athletics: Embed basic skills with an emphasis on developing technique in a range of runs, throws and jumps. Follow all safety guidelines and understand basic rules when competing in athletics.
: Students should develop knowledge and understanding of the key body systems and how they impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport.
RevisionALSR184 Contemporary issues in sport: Topic Area 5: The use of technology in sport.
AssessmentGameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.

Times and distances of events.
Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.

Times and distances of events.
Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.

Times and distances of events.
Non-Negotiable Knowledge Checker.                                   End of Topic Assessment (Exam Questions)                             Century Tech PE.                    Exam Question BookletExam QuestionsALSEnd of topic area assessment

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – GCSE PE – DDSYear 11 – GCSE PEYear 10 – Sport Studies – ALSYear 11 – Sports Studies – ALE
TopicStriking & Fielding: Develop basic skills of bowling, batting, fielding, catching, and throwing in Rounders, Cricket and Softball, to participate in competitive match play. To gain an understanding of the basic laws of these activities.Striking & Fielding: Broaden the range of bowling, batting, and fielding techniques used in a competitive match play and know how and when to use these skills effectively. Gain an understanding of tactical play and scoring systems.Striking & Fielding: Embed basic skills of bowling, batting, and fielding with an emphasis on developing technique and introducing more advanced tactical play. Transfer these skills to competitive Softball games.NEA:
Performance Analysis Assessment (PAA)
AssessmentGameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.Gameplay: Application of skills and tactics in a competitive game.PAA AssessmentALS

GCSE Specification

How can I support my child?

  • Check understanding of rules/laws of the game and scoring systems. Encourage to watch live sporting events and the reading of sport articles. Promote and participate with physical activity at home.
  • Encourage use of Century Tech PE – online learning platform. Use the exam question booklets and test them. Encourage them to read their revision guide – ClearRevise.
  • Encourage deadlines are met.

Half Term 1

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
TopicPersonal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education. ‘Being Me’. Developing skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking.Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education. ‘Being Me’. Developing skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking.
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

Half Term 2

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
Topic‘Relationships’. Developing skills such as negotiation, managing conflict and dealing with pressure. ‘Relationships’. Developing skills such as negotiation, managing conflict and dealing with pressure. 
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

Half Term 3

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
TopicRisk’. Developing skills such as identifying and managing risk, seeking support and staying safe. Risk’. Developing skills such as identifying and managing risk, seeking support and staying safe. 
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

Half Term 4

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
TopicHealth’. Developing the skills and knowledge needed to make healthy choices and manage our health care. Health’. Developing the skills and knowledge needed to make healthy choices and manage our health care. 
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

Half Term 5

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
TopicDiversity’. Learning about the range of diverse identifies which exist in the world, prejudice and discrimination. Diversity’. Learning about the range of diverse identifies which exist in the world, prejudice and discrimination. 
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

Half Term 6

Year 7, Year 8, Year 9Year 10, Year 11
TopicWider World’. Preparing students to live in the world beyond Hurworth; considering topics like sustainability, human rights and charity work. Wider World’. Preparing students to live in the world beyond Hurworth; considering topics like sustainability, human rights and charity work. 
AssessmentBaseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.Baseline assessment from  the start of the topic are revisited to allow students to show what they have leant and how they can use this new knowledge.

How I can support my child?

Use the ‘Safe Media’ Lists on the school website to watch clips with your child to prompt discussion. There is also a range of services and organisations that an help.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicThe Island. Understanding the key concepts of religious communities – rites, values, laws and stories.This term our big question is ‘What does it mean to be Jewish?’. We will be looking at key beliefs in the Jewish faith as well as different ways these beliefs might be interpreted. Our big question this term is ‘What happens to us when we die?’ During this half term we will focus on arguments to support/oppose the existence of a life after death as well as Christian, Jewish and Muslim perspectives on the question. Paper 1: Christian Beliefs. This topic focusses on the main beliefs of Christianity. This includes the nature of God, the Trinity and the life and death of Jesus.  Theme F: Human Rights and Social Justice, Christian Practices. This topic focuses on how religious people promote social justice and the themes of racism, sexism and homophobia. 
AssessmentStudents complete assessed questions once every half term.    We use an assessment strategy which focusses on reducing cognitive leading to support students who feel anxious about assessments.Students complete assessed questions every Thursday of Week 1. We call this ‘Blue Thursday’ as we complete all assessed questions on blue paper. We use an assessment strategy which focusses on reducing cognitive leading to support students who feel anxious about assessments.   

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicDoes it make sense to believe in God?Jewish Practices including laws and diversity within different traditions. Beliefs about life after death with a focus on Hindu Traditions. Paper 1: Islamic beliefs. This topic focusses on the main beliefs in Islam. This includes beliefs about Allah, Prophethood and Revelation. Paper 1: Christian Practices. This topic focusses on how Christians live their lives including worship, festivals and pilgrimage. 
AssessmentStudents are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course. Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course. Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course. Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. 

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicHow do religious people describe God? How do they believe that God has revealed themselves to the world?The Holocaust and the impact this has on Jewish beliefs about G-d. How do religious beliefs affect decisions made about ethical dilemmas?Theme A: Religion and the FamilyPaper 1: Islamic Practices. This topic focusses on how Muslims live their lives including the Five Pillars and Jihad. 
AssessmentStudents are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. 

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicHow do religious people describe God? How do they believe that God has revealed themselves to the world?How do people worship?How do religious beliefs affect decisions made about ethical dilemmas?Theme B: Religion and LifeWe have now completed the course and will be revising the content. 
AssessmentStudents are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. 

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicHindu Traditions- Key Beliefs How do people worship?What is social justice and how do religious people work for this? Theme E: Religion, Crime and PunishmentWe have now completed the course and will be revising the content. 
AssessmentStudents are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support. 

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
TopicHindu Traditions- Festivals and PracticesRites of Passage: Marriage  What is social justice and how do religious people work for this? Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice 
AssessmentStudents are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed via a mixture of knowledge and evaluation questions at key points in the course.Students are assessed fortnightly on our ‘Blue Thursday’. They complete exam questions with staged levels of support

Exam Specification


How I can support my child?

  • Help to quiz them on their key vocabulary and check their Quiz Books each week.
  • Students have assignments on Seneca every week- this is set and due on a Thursday. 

Right to Withdrawal from Religious Education

We recognise and respect the right of parents to withdraw their children from Religious Education (RE) if they wish. This right is enshrined in UK law, specifically under the Education Act 1996 and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

While we encourage all students to participate in our RE curriculum (called Religious Studies at Hurworth) , which is designed to promote understanding and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, we understand that some parents may prefer their children not to take part in these lessons. If you are considering this option, we invite you to discuss it with us so we can understand your concerns and provide any necessary support. For more information on the right to withdraw from RE, please refer to the Department for Education’s guidance.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you and ensure that every child’s educational experience is positive and inclusive.


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science
TopicScience Lab Licence

Cells, tissues, organs and systems.
Science Lab Licence

Food and Nutrition
Science Lab Licence

Microscopes and Cells
Science Lab Licence

Science Lab Licence

Ecosystems and Material Cycles

Animal Coordination, control and Homeostasis
Science Lab Licence

Ionic bonding. Covalent bonding and Types of substance
Groups in the Periodic Table, Rates of Reaction and Heat Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions Science Lab Licence

Magnetism and the Motor Effect and Electromagnetic Induction Science Lab Licence,


Ionic bonding, Covalent bonding, Types of substance

Ecosystems and Material Cycles,

Control and Homeostasis,

Fuels, Earth and Atmospheric Science,

Magnetism and the Motor Effect
AssessmentIntroduction to Science Assessment

Cells, tissues, organs and systems end of unit assessment.
Science introduction assessment.

Food and Nutrition end of unit assessment
Microscope and cells end of unit assessmentEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestsEnd of Unit Tests

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science
TopicCells, tissue, organs and systems

Mixtures and Separation
Metals and their Uses

Methods of Separation and Purifying Substances

Natural Selection and Genetic ModificationAnimal Coordination, Control and Homeostasis

Exchange and Transport in Animals
Acids and AlkalisHydrocarbons, Alcohols and Carboxylic Acids and Polymers. Qualitative Analysis: tests for ions, Bulk and Surface Properties of MatterLight and the Electromagnetic SpectrumParticle Model, Forces and Matter Natural Selection and Genetic Modification

Acids and Alkalis

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Natural selection and genetic modification
Exchange and Transport in Animals

Chemistry Revision

Particle Model, Forces and Matter
AssessmentCells, tissue, organs and systems end of unit test

Mixtures and Separation end of unit test
Metals and their Uses end of unit test Methods of Separation and Purifying Substances end of unit test

Motion end of unit test
End of Unit TestYear 11 Assessments

End of unit test
End of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestsEnd of Unit Tests

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science

Sexual Reproduction

Breathing and Respiration
Enzymes and Nutrition

Forces and Motion
Health, Disease and the Development of MedicinesGCSE Biology RevisionCalculations Involving Masses

Electrolytic Processes, Obtaining and Using Metals, Reversible Reactions and Equilibria, Transition Metals, Alloys and Corrosion 
Qualitative Analysis: tests for ions,
Bulk and Surface properties of Matter
RadioactivityPhysics RevisionNatural Selection and Genetic Modification

Calculations involving masses

Biology Revision

Chemistry Revision

Physics Revision
AssessmentForces end of unit testLight end of unit test

Breathing and Respiration end of unit assessment
Enzymes and Nutrition end of unit test

Forces and Motion end of unit assessment
End of Unit TestsProgress check assessments throughout the revision periodEnd of Unit TestsEnd of Unit TestsEnd of Unit TestProgress check assessments throughout the revision periodEnd of Unit TestsProgress check assessments throughout the revision period

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science
TopicSexual Reproduction

Acids and Alkalis
The Periodic Table

Transporting Substances

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Health, Disease and the Development of Medicines

Plant Structures and their Functions
GCSE Biology RevisionElectrolytic processes, obtaining and using metals, reversible reactions and equilibria, transition metals, alloys and corrosion.Chemistry RevisionAstronomyPhysics RevisionHealth Disease and the Development of Medicine

Electrolytic Processes, Obtaining and Using Metals, Reversible Reactions and Equilibria

Energy Forces Doing Work, P8 Forces and their Effects
Biology Revision

Chemistry Revision

Physics Revision
AssessmentSexual Reproduction end of unit test

Acids and Alkalis end of unit assessment
The Periodic Table end of unit test

Energy end of unit assessment
Transporting Substances End of unit test

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table end of unit test
End of Unit TestProgress check assessments throughout the revision periodEnd of Unit TestProgress check assessments throughout the revision periodEnd of Unit TestProgress check assessments throughout the revision periodEnd of Unit TestsProgress check assessments throughout the revision period

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science

Plants and their Reproduction

Cells and ControlPlant Structures and their FunctionsQuantitative analysis, dynamic equilibria, calculations involving gases, chemical and fuel cells. Groups in the periodic table, Rates of reaction, heat energy changes in chemical reactionsEnergy – Forces Doing Work, Forces and their Effects

Electricity and Circuits
Plant Structures and their Functions

Electrolytic processes, obtaining and using metals, reversible reactions and equilibria.

Electricity and Circuits
AssessmentElectricity end of unit testPlants and their Reproduction end of unit testCells and control end of unit testEnd of Unit Tests. Year 10 AssessmentEnd of Unit Tests.End of Unit TestEnd of Unit Tests and Year 10 Assessment

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 11 – Biology Separate ScienceYear 10 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 11 – Chemistry  Separate ScienceYear 10 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 11 – Physics Separate ScienceYear 10 Combined ScienceYear 11 Combined Science


Earth and Space
Conservation of EnergyEcosystems and Material CyclesFuels, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Electrolytic Processes and Obtaining and Using MetalsElectricity and Circuits and Static ElectricityEcosystems and Material Cycles

Groups in the periodic table, Rates of reaction, heat energy changes in chemical reactions

Electricity and Circuits
AssessmentEcosystems end of unit test

Energy end of unit assessment
Combustion end of unit test

Earth and Space end of unit assessment
Conservation of Energy end of unit testEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit TestEnd of Unit Test

Exam Specification

How can I support my child?

  • Discuss your child’s Homework tasks and help them with any issues that they find. Ask for a description of the learning outcomes covered within Science lessons.
  • Direct your child to YouTube clips from educational provides such as fuseschool, freesciencelessons and cognito. Discuss the learning outcomes with your child and ask them to teach you the content they have been learning.

Revision Resources

GP Revision Guides are provided to all students at the start of Year 10. YouTube Videos, Freesciencelessons, FuseSchool, Cognito, BBC Bitesize, Physicsand mathstutor.com


Half Term 1

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
TopicStage 1
How are you?
What is your name?
How do you spell it?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
What is your nationality?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
What is your personality?
Stage 4  
Where do you live?
What is your house like?
What is your opinion of it?
What is your town like?
What is your opinion of it?
What do you do in your free time?
What are you going to do this weekend/next week?
Stage 7
Describe your diet (what you (usually) eat/drink/don’t/never eat/don’t/never drink/avoid and how often and why).
Say what activities you (usually) do to stay healthy.
What did you do last week to be healthy?
What are you going to do in the future to be healthy?
What should we (not) do to be healthy?
Free time and technology (Module 1)
Cohort sitting exams in summer 2025: Town and region
Hispanic festivals/celebrations.
Where I live (Module 6)
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate

Half Term 2

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
TopicStage 1 continued
How are you? What is your name? How do you spell it? Where are you from? Where do you live? What is your nationality? How old are you? When is your birthday? What is your personality? 
Stage 4 continued  
Where do you live?
What is your house like? What is your opinion of it?
What is your town like? What is your opinion of it?
What do you do in your free time?
What are you going to do this weekend/next week?
Stage 7 continued
Describe your diet (what you (usually) eat/drink/don’t/never eat/don’t/never drink/avoid and how often and why).
Say what activities you (usually) do to stay healthy.
What did you do last week to be healthy?
What are you going to do in the future to be healthy?
What should we (not) do to be healthy?
Holidays (Module 2)Future study and workWhere I live (Module 6)
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate 

Half Term 3

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
TopicStage 2
How many people are there in your family? Describe your family members. (name /age /birthday/physical/personality). Describe your pets/ wild animal fact files (including which country they come from/ traits/ habitat).
Stage 5
What did you do during the holidays?
Describe a past holiday (including your opinions with reasons).
What is the town/country/place like? What can you do there?
Stage 8
Describe your family members and friends.
Describe your relationships with your family members/friends.
Who is your role model and why?
What should we do/not do to protect the environment?
What issues worry you?
My friends, family and role models (Module 3)Social issues/global issues       HealthA better world for everyone (Module 7)
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateMock exams 

Half Term 4

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
TopicStage 2 continued How many people are there in your family?

Describe your family members.

Describe your pets/ wild animal fact files (including which country they come from/ traits/ habitat).
Stage 5 continued  
What did you do during the holidays?
Describe a past holiday (including your opinions with reasons).
What is the town/country/place like? What can you do there?
Stage 8 continued
Describe your family members and friends.
Describe your relationships with your family members/friends.
Who is your role model and why?
What should we do/not do to protect the environment?
What issues worry you?
My lifestyle (Module 4)Exam preparation Exam preparation
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate 

Half Term 5

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
TopicStage 3
What is your school like? (What do you like/dislike and why?)

Describe a typical school day.

What is your opinion of your school subjects and why?
Stage 6
Where will you go this summer and what will you do during your holiday?
Where would you go for your dream holiday and what would you do?

Last couple of weeks before summer:  How can I help? (holiday Spanish scenarios such as shop/market/bar/restaurant/reception desk) *give them vocab practice on numbers/foods/drinks/shop items
Stage 9
What job would you like to do in the fuutire and why?  What are your ambitions?
My lifestyle (Module 4)Exam preparation and examsExam preparation and exams
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriateExternal examsExternal exams

Half Term 6

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 cohort sitting exam in summer 2025Y11 cohort sitting exams in summer 2026
Stage 3 continued
What is your school like? (What do you like/dislike and why?) Describe a typical school day. What is your opinion of your school subjects and why?
Stage 6 continued
Where will you go this summer and what will you do during your holiday?
Where would you go for your dream holiday and what would you do?

Last couple of weeks before summer:  How can I help? (holiday Spanish scenarios such as shop/market/bar/restaurant/reception desk) *give them vocab practice on numbers/foods/drinks/shop items
Stage 9 continued What job would you like to do in the fuutire and why?  What are your ambitions?School (Module 5)ExamsExams
AssessmentListening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate Listening/Reading/Speaking/Writing tasks as appropriate External exams External exams

GCSE Specification

AQA (9-1) Spanish 8698


How I can support my child?

KS3: Encourage him/her to engage fully with his/her homework tasks.  As a family you could take part in learning Spanish alongside your child using DuoLingo which offers you lots of conversational Spanish and gives daily goals and stats so there can be an element of competition.  Ecah half term we offer optional enrichment activities that your child could take part in, please encourage this.  When your child brings his/her book home, ask him/her to talk you through the work they have completed and the feedback he/she has been given.    

KS4: Encourage him/her to engage with his/her homework tasks.  Encourage him/her to regularly complete vocab revision from Memrise or Blooket (or the paper lists of vocab per module).  Offer to test your child on module vocabulary. Offer to practise the speaking questions with your child.

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