We place safeguarding at the heart of everything we do at Hurworth School. We recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and we work hard to maintain a ‘Culture of Vigilance’ through appropriate formal training from Darlington Safeguarding Partnership, Clennell, CPOMS, Local Authorities and Virtual Schools as well as regular ‘in-house’ and online training and updates to ensure that keeping our students safe is our staff members’ highest priority.
Our relational practice is at the core of us keeping everyone in our school community safe, knowing our students and supporting them through the variety of challenges they face in school, at home and online. Through the relationships with key trusted adults our students learn about strategies to keep themselves safe as well as the risks to be aware of in the modern world; including but not limited to Anti-bullying Week, Safer Internet Day, Mental Health Awareness, Personal Safety Week.
Students can talk through concerns with their form tutors, Heads of Year or other trusted adults, all of whom have been trained be aware of safeguarding concerns, know how to make appropriate referrals and offer a continuum of support. Students also have access to the Speak out Safely part of the website that will allow them to report safeguarding concerns independently.
Useful Links
- Water Safety
- Positive Behavioral Support North East
- Speak Out Safely – SOS
- Difficulty breathing and wheeze
- Bronchiolitis and RSV
- My child is finding it hard to breathe
- Help for Households
Safeguarding Topics

Report Remove | Childline <https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/online-mobile-safety/report-remove/>
Report online issues to protect your child | Internet Matters <https://www.internetmatters.org/report-issue/>
Take It Down ncmec.org