
Why do we study Engineering?

Within our Design & Technology curriculum our students will also focus on principles of engineering. Engineering allows students to become problem solvers and creative thinkers, solving real life problems and gaining transferable skills and techniques that can be used in many different career paths. The knowledge they gain will let them see how the world around them has been engineered through different materials, processes and technology. In Key Stage 3 students will gain an insight into these principles. Then, depending on their learning styles and strengths, they can choose from two Key Stage 4 engineering courses, both of which offer the building blocks to progress to further study a career in engineering.

Year 7

Learning Outcomes

In Year 7, students will explore key principles of engineering to develop their understanding of theory and practical application. Students will work with a range of engineering materials and use different modern and traditional manufacturing techniques during each project. These include hand tools, equipment, and the use of CNC (Computer Numerical Control). Students are encouraged to demonstrate creative thinking, problem solving skills and build on their resilience.

Topics TaughtPupils study D&T for 1 term in Year 7

 Torch project

  • Structural systems
  • Electronic symbols and components
  • Circuit diagrams/ Modelling
  • Soldering

 Pencil Topper

  • Designing
  • Modelling
  • Manufacturing Processes

DT – KS3 – Read and watch list

Year 8

Learning Outcomes

In Year 8, students are encouraged to develop precision and accuracy in their work. Quality and application of engineering knowledge are at the forefront of each Scheme of Work.

 Students will develop confidence from their previous learning and strive to work independently to create final solutions with high quality and accuracy within specified tolerances. The use of quality control, including physical and visual checks will support them in this process.

Topics Taught

Electronics- Mini speaker

  • Materials
  • Sustainability/ Environment
  • Electronic symbols and components
  • Soldering
  • Practical skills
  • Engineering systems

Programmable Devices- Microbit Pet

  • Programmable devices
  • Input/ process/ output
  • Hardware and software
  • Testing and evaluation

DT – KS3 – Read and watch list

Year 9

Learning Outcomes

In Year 9, students have the opportunity to explore how to solve real life engineering problems. Theyn will focus on how environmental impact can be reduced, and the impact that new and emerging technology has.

 Furthermore, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of engineering systems such as mechanical and electrical/ electronic can be integrated to solve problems.

They will also learn how to generate, read and interpret engineering drawings and schematics.

Students will be assessed on their practical outcome that will be electro-mechanical, and through their modelling, drawings and schematics.

Topics Taught

Electric motor car challenge

  • Design brief/ task analysis
  • New and emerging technologies
  • Engineering drawings and schematics
  • Virtual and physical modelling
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Jigs and templates
  • Objective testing (race)

DT – KS3 – Read and watch list


Year 10

Exam Specification

GCSE Engineering

AQA Specification

Learning Outcomes

  • Outcomes: Sheet metal tray/ skills board
  • Outcomes: Bike alarm/ solar vehicle
  • Outcomes: CNC Coaster (Aluminium, Acrylic and Neoprene)

Topics Taught

Autumn Term

Engineering Materials

  • Materials and their properties
  • Material costs and supply
  • Factors influencing design solutions

Engineering Manufacturing Processes

  • Additive manufacturing
  • Material removal
  • Shaping, forming and manipulation
  • Casting and moulding Joining and Assembly
  • Heat and chemical treatment

Surface finishing

Spring Term


  • Describing systems
  • Mechanical systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Electronic systems
  • Structural systems
  • Pneumatic systems

Testing and Investigation

  • Modelling and calculating
  • Testing


Summer Term

The impact of Modern Technologies

  • The impact of modern Technologies

Practical Engineering Skills

  • Problem solving
  • Engineering drawings and schematics
  • CAD, CAM and CNC
  • Testing materials and production plans
  • Predict performance using calculations and modelling

Select and use materials, parts, components, tools and equipment

DT – KS4 – Read and watch list

Year 11

Exam Specification

GCSE Engineering

AQA Specification

Learning Outcomes

Throughout Year 11 students will complete their device / system in response to the NEA brief. Students will be given criteria for each section, so that they can optimise their marks and overall grade. Remaining time will be used to prepare for their forth coming summer exam.

Topics Taught

Autumn Term


  • Problem solving
  • Drawings and conventions

Applying systems technology

Spring Term

NEA and Mock

  • Production planning
  • Engineering skills used Testing and evaluating

Exam Preparation

  • Revision

Summer Term

Exam Preparation


DT – KS4 – Read and watch list


Year 10

Exam Specification


VCERT Technical Award Level 1/2

Learning Outcomes

  • Term 1 – Understanding the engineering world
    • Outcomes: Sheet metal tray/ Bike alarm
    • Pupils will also generate an orthographic engineering drawing and isometric Engineering drawing of their sheet metal tray
  • Term 2 – Bridge Design and make/ coaster
  • Term 3 – Skills board

Topics Taught

Autumn Term

Engineering Disciplines 

  • Mechanical
  • Electrical and electronic
  • Aerospace
  • Communications
  • Chemical
  • Civil
  • Automotive
  • Biomedical
  • Software

Health and safety

  • Health and safety legislation: HASAWA
  • PPE Regulations
  • MHOR

Maths in Engineering

  • Application of basic SI units in projects and products
  • Equations in Engineering

Engineering Drawings

  • Reading Engineering Drawings

Properties and Characteristics of Materials

  • Properties and Characteristics of Materials

Spring Term

Tools and Equipment

  • Tools
  • Equipment and Machines
  • Safe and Correct Use

Unit 1 Exam

  • Revision for Unit 1
  • First exam attempt March

Summer Term

Synoptic Project Mock (Unit 2 Preparation)

Learning Objective 1

  • Produce hand drawn engineering drawings

Learning Objective 2

  • Produce Computer Aided Design (CAD) engineering drawings

Engineering drawings

  • An A3 CAD isometric drawing sheet

Learning Objective 3

  • Demonstrate production planning techniques

Production planning

Skills and techniques

  • Prepare materials
  • Cleaning
  • Marking out
  • Modify shape and size of Materials-Cutting
  • Drilling
  • Bending
  • Casting
  • CAM
  • Join materials -riveting, gluing, bolting, soldering
  • Finish materials – filing, sanding, polishing

Applying a surface finish

DT – KS4 – Read and watch list

Year 11

Exam Specification


VCERT Technical Award Level 1/2

Learning Outcomes

In Year 11 students will begin their synoptic project. The brief for this will be provided by NCFE and will give students the opportunity to demonstrate and apply their knowledge. Furthermore, students who need to improve on their previous exam grade will be given the opportunity to re-sit. 

Topics Taught

Autumn Term

Synoptic Project Mock (Unit 2 Preparation) Attempt 2 from feedback

Safe and Correct use of Tools, Equipment and Machines

  • Preparation and use control measures

Synoptic project and exam resits 

Learning Objective 1

  • Produce hand drawn engineering drawings

Engineering drawings

  • A freehand sketch
  • An A3 hand drafted isometric drawing sheet
  • An A3 hand drafted orthographic drawing sheet

Spring Term

Learning Objective 2

  • Produce Computer Aided Design (CAD) engineering drawings

Engineering drawings

  • An A3 CAD isometric drawing sheet
  • An A3 CAD orthographic drawing sheet

Learning Objective 3

  • Demonstrate production planning techniques

Production planning

  • Risk Assessment
  • Production plan
  • Tools and equipment
  • Health and safety
  • Quality control
  • Flow chart symbols
  • Time plan

Skills and techniques

  • Prepare materials
  • Cleaning
  • Marking out
  • Modify shape and size of Materials – cutting, drilling, bending, casting, CAM
  • Join materials – riveting, gluing, bolting, soldering
  • Finish materials – filing, sanding, polishing, applying a surface finish

Safe and Correct use of Tools, Equipment and Machines

  • Preparation and use control measures

Summer Term

Complete Course

DT – KS4 – Read and watch list

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