Expectations and Sanctions
Students are expected to demonstrate our Hurworth 4R Core Values 100% of the time and by doing so they lay the foundations for them to achieve both academically and socially. We recognise this may be a challenge for some and we will support every student to successfully uphold our 4R Core Values every lesson and every day, as we have high standards and expectations of and for your child. To help you to support your child to uphold our 4R Core Values, a reminder for you that they are:

Furthermore, we have the student responsibilities, these are key values that we expect from our students inside and outside of lesson time:

The classroom expectations are in place to ensure the school provides a positive and settled atmosphere for all. We would appreciate your support in reminding your child of these.
If our expectations are not met and behaviour highlighted above is not displayed by students then sanctions such as loss of unstructured time, after-school, internal and external suspensions will be put into place. After-school detentions will last for an hour after school and will be scheduled on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening. Homework missed deadline detentions will take place on a Wednesday evening. Parents and carers will be made aware in advance and will need to make arrangements to ensure students can get home safely after the detention. If your child is internally suspended, they will be expected to remain in school until 4pm. We will always try to use the extra time to good effect for any catch-up work if needed, as well as a chance to reflect on conduct, discuss and reinforce school expectations and ensure students understand exactly what is expected of them.
All behaviour issues that arise in school are recorded and can be accessed through the students classcharts account.
Celebrating students’ successes and academic achievements whilst encouraging good citizenship within our school community, is very important to us. We have many different platforms to reward our students and like to ensure that all students are celebrated in some way. We issue green clicks on our classcharts system, all green clicks accumulated go towards ‘credits’ for the ClassCharts shop and allow them to achieve further rewards.
Please remind students to check their ClassCharts wheel regularly at home. You can log into ClassCharts as a parent/carer to monitor your child’s conduct. If you have not yet received your classcharts log in, please contact the school and this can be sent out to you.
Rewards include:
- Praise.
- Displays of work.
- Green clicks placed on ClassCharts.
- Purchases from Classcharts shop
- Weekly Rewards Station
- Students of the week
- Positive phone calls home from departments and Heads of Year
- Postcards, awards, and certificates.
- End-of-term prizes, trips, and rewards.
- Nationally recognised qualifications in a variety of subjects and standards.
Students Section:
This is the timetable our school follows:

Our year groups will have assembly on the following days:
- Monday – Year 7
- Tuesday – Year 11
- Wednesday – Year 10
- Thursday – Year 9
- Friday – Year 8
Students must attend school with the necessary school equipment on each and every school day – pen, pencil, rubber, calculator, water bottles, reading books, practical equipment where necessary e.g., PE kit, ingredients etc. All students must also have a school bag large enough to carry an A4 file every day. School equipment can be purchased at the schools’ stationary shop, which is located in the school canteen.
Many of the local school uniform shops are offering a Click and Collect service to ensure high standards of uniform can still be met. Please contact school if you require any support with uniform or equipment. We have an in-school wardrobe that can temporarily provide uniform for those that attend school not meeting expectations. Where students do not attend the academy in the correct uniform, we will work to support them with this. They will be kept out of circulation where they can continue with their learning whilst we support them to resolve these issues.